In each sector of activity, there are three possible types of approach: the industrial, the artisanal and the artistic. Charly chose the latter. His ambition is to offer real collectors' pieces, true works of art.
Their small business allows them to produce finely crafted wines of exception.
The natural rhythm of the wine will always be paramount, in contrast to the immediate satisfaction required by customers who are sometimes in too much of a hurry to try the latest 'cuvées'. Maison Fatien's objective is that each bottle should give the best of itself at the moment it is opened at the table.
Charly Fatien explains:
"At any given moment a cuvée can go through a difficult phase and then it picks up again. I have observed this with our Gevrey-Chambertin for example. Many winemakers make wines destined for immediate consumption - wines that are rounded and easy to drink immediately after being bottled. I keep my wines two years in the barrel so they can acquire more consistency. I am convinced that this makes the difference. But it also requires time for cellaring. I bottle my wines when, like a flower, they are just burgeoning. It's this ageing in the bottle which allows them to blossom completely."
"You know, the approval and the verdict happen when the bottle is finished. There is always a bottle finished before the others, and that one, of course is always the best," concludes Raymond Fatien.
Roger Dion from the Collège de France, a specialist in vines and wine, wrote:
"The role of the soil in the making of a Grand Cru is only as important as are materials in the making of a work of art. In other words, a piece of wood can be used to make a Stradivarius or a soap box."
Maintaining the tradition of great cellaring Burgundies
"There is always one bottle that gets finished before the others and that is always the best....."
"When we decided to launch the business, our three guiding principles were first quality, second quality and third quality....... Quite simply because if there is any wine left in the cellar, we're the ones who will drink it!" adds Raymond Fatien.